Tips for Re-Entering the Job Market

Published on 27 February 2024 at 11:19

I know I'm not the only one who has ever had to reinvent who they are to land their dream job. If you've been out of the full-time job market for a while, I guess you'll never know how difficult it can be until you actually have to experience it for yourself.

It can happen for different reasons:

  • You got laid off
  • You quit
  • You were fired
  • You took a leave of absence
  • You took time off to raise your family

Who am I to judge?

I actually quit my last full-time gig many years ago to pursue other passions. Some people thought I was nuts for leaving a high-paying, steady government job. I'm a strong believer when it comes to following your dreams, though. Who wants to live with that regret? Could have, should have, would have? After some time though, I felt like it was time to think about how I to best supplement my income. So here I am on the job search again and I'm truly ready to get back to work. In order to make it happen, I needed a serious game plan. 

My Top 5 Tips for Landing the Job

  1. Update your resume. Take a fresh look at your resume and your cover letter. Are there any typos? Are you missing any critical experience? Update as necessary and don't be afraid to get advice from a professional resume writer or a colleague on how to spruce it up. 
  2. Network, network, network. Connect with colleagues on social media, attend local networking events. Many people are able to land their dream job through word-of-mouth from friends, colleagues, and family members.
  3. Apply. Browse job sites regularly and apply often.
  4. Prepare to interview. You never know when an interview may happen. Always be prepared with talking points to be able to intelligently market yourself to a prospective employer.
  5. Stay motivated. Don't get frustrated if you don't land the first job on your interview schedule. Stay focused. The right job for your skill set is just around the corner.

Good luck to me, and good luck to you!

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